
Customize with Modular Sass


You can import only what you need from Bulma, and customize it with your own Sass values.

To achieve this:

  • set your own Sass variables
  • import bulma/sass/utilities
  • override Bulma’s variables by providing the with keyword with your own Sass map
  • if you need to, do the same for the bulma/sass/form folder
  • import the Bulma components you need with either @use or @forward
  • finally, import the Bulma themes from bulma/sass/themes
// Set your brand colors
$purple: #8a4d76;
$pink: #fa7c91;
$brown: #757763;
$beige-light: #d0d1cd;
$beige-lighter: #eff0eb;

// Override global Sass variables from the /utilities folder
@use "bulma/sass/utilities" with (
  $family-primary: '"Nunito", sans-serif',
  $grey-dark: $brown,
  $grey-light: $beige-light,
  $primary: $purple,
  $link: $pink,
  $control-border-width: 2px

// Override Sass variables from the /form folder
@use "bulma/sass/form" with (
  $input-shadow: none

// Import the components you need
@forward "bulma/sass/base";
@forward "bulma/sass/components/card";
@forward "bulma/sass/components/modal";
@forward "bulma/sass/components/navbar";
@forward "bulma/sass/elements/button";
@forward "bulma/sass/elements/icon";
@forward "bulma/sass/elements/content";
@forward "bulma/sass/elements/notification";
@forward "bulma/sass/elements/progress";
@forward "bulma/sass/elements/tag";
@forward "bulma/sass/layout/footer";

// Import the themes so that all CSS variables have a value
@forward "bulma/sass/themes";

// Import the Google Font
@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Nunito:400,700");

This allows you to override Bulma’s:

  • global variables from the utilities folder
  • form variables from the form folder

If you wanted to import a component and customize it, do the same when importing it:

@use "bulma/sass/elements/image" with (
  $dimensions: 20 40 80 160;


#native_company# #native_desc#