The navbar
component is a responsive and versatile horizontal navigation bar with the following structure:
the main container
the left side , always visible , which usually contains the logo and optionally some links or icons
the hamburger icon, which toggles the navbar menu on touch devices
the right side , hidden on touch devices, visible on desktop
the left part of the menu, which appears next to the navbar brand on desktop
the right part of the menu, which appears at the end of the navbar
each single item of the navbar, which can either be an a
or a div
a link as the sibling of a dropdown, with an arrow
the dropdown menu , which can include navbar items and dividers
a horizontal line to separate navbar items
Basic Navbar
To get started quickly , here is what a complete basic navbar looks like:
<nav class= "navbar" role= "navigation" aria-label= "main navigation" >
<div class= "navbar-brand" >
<a class= "navbar-item" href= "" >
<svg width= "640" height= "160" viewBox= "0 0 640 160" fill= "none" xmlns= "" >
<path fill-rule= "evenodd" clip-rule= "evenodd" d= "M170 132.571V27.5908C170 25.5451 170.915 23.93 172.746 22.7456C174.576 21.5612 176.729 20.969 179.206 20.969H210.377C232.019 20.969 242.84 30.4441 242.84 49.3943C242.84 62.5303 238.264 71.0902 229.112 75.074C234.603 77.2275 238.748 80.2692 241.548 84.1992C244.347 88.1292 245.747 93.8627 245.747 101.4V104.791C245.747 116.743 242.84 125.437 237.026 130.875C231.211 136.312 223.351 139.031 213.445 139.031H179.206C176.514 139.031 174.307 138.385 172.584 137.093C170.861 135.801 170 134.293 170 132.571ZM190.834 120.619H209.085C219.529 120.619 224.751 114.751 224.751 103.015V100.431C224.751 94.401 223.432 90.0404 220.794 87.3486C218.156 84.6568 214.253 83.3109 209.085 83.3109H190.834V120.619ZM190.834 66.8371H208.923C213.122 66.8371 216.326 65.5989 218.533 63.1225C220.74 60.646 221.844 57.2544 221.844 52.9475C221.844 48.7483 220.686 45.4374 218.371 43.0148C216.057 40.5922 212.853 39.3809 208.762 39.3809H190.834V66.8371ZM260.283 103.015V27.4293C260.283 25.2759 261.306 23.6608 263.351 22.5841C265.397 21.5074 267.873 20.969 270.781 20.969C273.688 20.969 276.164 21.5074 278.21 22.5841C280.256 23.6608 281.279 25.2759 281.279 27.4293V103.015C281.279 115.397 287.2 121.588 299.044 121.588C310.888 121.588 316.81 115.397 316.81 103.015V27.4293C316.81 25.2759 317.833 23.6608 319.879 22.5841C321.925 21.5074 324.401 20.969 327.308 20.969C330.215 20.969 332.692 21.5074 334.738 22.5841C336.783 23.6608 337.806 25.2759 337.806 27.4293V103.015C337.806 115.72 334.28 125.061 327.227 131.036C320.175 137.012 310.781 140 299.044 140C287.308 140 277.914 137.039 270.861 131.117C263.809 125.195 260.283 115.828 260.283 103.015ZM356.703 132.409V27.4293C356.703 25.2759 357.725 23.6608 359.771 22.5841C361.817 21.5074 364.293 20.969 367.201 20.969C370.108 20.969 372.584 21.5074 374.63 22.5841C376.676 23.6608 377.699 25.2759 377.699 27.4293V120.619H417.106C419.044 120.619 420.579 121.534 421.709 123.365C422.84 125.195 423.405 127.349 423.405 129.825C423.405 132.301 422.84 134.455 421.709 136.285C420.579 138.116 419.044 139.031 417.106 139.031H365.908C363.432 139.031 361.279 138.439 359.448 137.254C357.618 136.07 356.703 134.455 356.703 132.409ZM434.872 132.409V31.467C434.872 27.9138 435.868 25.2759 437.86 23.5532C439.852 21.8304 442.355 20.969 445.37 20.969C449.354 20.969 452.423 21.6689 454.576 23.0686C456.729 24.4684 459.098 27.4832 461.682 32.1131L481.548 68.2907L501.413 32.1131C503.997 27.4832 506.393 24.4684 508.6 23.0686C510.808 21.6689 513.903 20.969 517.887 20.969C520.902 20.969 523.405 21.8304 525.397 23.5532C527.389 25.2759 528.385 27.9138 528.385 31.467V132.409C528.385 134.455 527.335 136.07 525.236 137.254C523.136 138.439 520.686 139.031 517.887 139.031C514.98 139.031 512.503 138.439 510.458 137.254C508.412 136.07 507.389 134.455 507.389 132.409V62.961L488.493 96.5545C486.985 99.354 484.616 100.754 481.386 100.754C478.264 100.754 475.949 99.354 474.441 96.5545L455.868 61.6689V132.409C455.868 134.455 454.818 136.07 452.719 137.254C450.619 138.439 448.17 139.031 445.37 139.031C442.463 139.031 439.987 138.439 437.941 137.254C435.895 136.07 434.872 134.455 434.872 132.409ZM539.529 130.31C539.529 130.094 539.637 129.556 539.852 128.694L571.023 27.1063C571.669 24.8452 573.257 23.0956 575.787 21.8573C578.318 20.6191 581.198 20 584.428 20C587.658 20 590.565 20.6191 593.149 21.8573C595.734 23.0956 597.349 24.8452 597.995 27.1063L629.166 128.694C629.381 129.556 629.489 130.094 629.489 130.31C629.489 132.678 628.035 134.724 625.128 136.447C622.221 138.17 619.26 139.031 616.245 139.031C612.261 139.031 609.892 137.631 609.139 134.832L603.001 113.351H566.016L559.879 134.832C559.125 137.631 556.756 139.031 552.773 139.031C549.65 139.031 546.662 138.197 543.809 136.528C540.956 134.859 539.529 132.786 539.529 130.31ZM570.377 96.8775H598.479L584.428 47.2948L570.377 96.8775Z" fill= "black" class= "bd-svg-black" />
<path fill-rule= "evenodd" clip-rule= "evenodd" d= "M0 110L10 40L50 0L100 50L70 80L110 120L50 160L0 110Z" fill= "#00D1B2" />
<a role= "button" class= "navbar-burger" aria-label= "menu" aria-expanded= "false" data-target= "navbarBasicExample" >
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<div id= "navbarBasicExample" class= "navbar-menu" >
<div class= "navbar-start" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown is-hoverable" >
<a class= "navbar-link" >
<div class= "navbar-dropdown" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item is-selected" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<hr class= "navbar-divider" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
Report an issue
<div class= "navbar-end" >
<div class= "navbar-item" >
<div class= "buttons" >
<a class= "button is-primary" >
<strong> Sign up</strong>
<a class= "button is-light" >
Log in
Navbar brand
The navbar-brand
is the left side of the navbar. It can contain:
a number of navbar-item
the navbar-burger
as last child
<nav class= "navbar" role= "navigation" aria-label= "main navigation" >
<div class= "navbar-brand" >
<!-- navbar items, navbar burger... -->
The navbar brand is always visible : on both touch devices < 1024px
and desktop >= 1024px
. As a result, it is recommended to only use a few navbar items to avoid overflowing horizontally on small devices.
<nav class= "navbar" role= "navigation" aria-label= "main navigation" >
<div class= "navbar-brand" >
<a class= "navbar-item" href= "" >
<svg width= "640" height= "160" viewBox= "0 0 640 160" fill= "none" xmlns= "" >
<path fill-rule= "evenodd" clip-rule= "evenodd" d= "M170 132.571V27.5908C170 25.5451 170.915 23.93 172.746 22.7456C174.576 21.5612 176.729 20.969 179.206 20.969H210.377C232.019 20.969 242.84 30.4441 242.84 49.3943C242.84 62.5303 238.264 71.0902 229.112 75.074C234.603 77.2275 238.748 80.2692 241.548 84.1992C244.347 88.1292 245.747 93.8627 245.747 101.4V104.791C245.747 116.743 242.84 125.437 237.026 130.875C231.211 136.312 223.351 139.031 213.445 139.031H179.206C176.514 139.031 174.307 138.385 172.584 137.093C170.861 135.801 170 134.293 170 132.571ZM190.834 120.619H209.085C219.529 120.619 224.751 114.751 224.751 103.015V100.431C224.751 94.401 223.432 90.0404 220.794 87.3486C218.156 84.6568 214.253 83.3109 209.085 83.3109H190.834V120.619ZM190.834 66.8371H208.923C213.122 66.8371 216.326 65.5989 218.533 63.1225C220.74 60.646 221.844 57.2544 221.844 52.9475C221.844 48.7483 220.686 45.4374 218.371 43.0148C216.057 40.5922 212.853 39.3809 208.762 39.3809H190.834V66.8371ZM260.283 103.015V27.4293C260.283 25.2759 261.306 23.6608 263.351 22.5841C265.397 21.5074 267.873 20.969 270.781 20.969C273.688 20.969 276.164 21.5074 278.21 22.5841C280.256 23.6608 281.279 25.2759 281.279 27.4293V103.015C281.279 115.397 287.2 121.588 299.044 121.588C310.888 121.588 316.81 115.397 316.81 103.015V27.4293C316.81 25.2759 317.833 23.6608 319.879 22.5841C321.925 21.5074 324.401 20.969 327.308 20.969C330.215 20.969 332.692 21.5074 334.738 22.5841C336.783 23.6608 337.806 25.2759 337.806 27.4293V103.015C337.806 115.72 334.28 125.061 327.227 131.036C320.175 137.012 310.781 140 299.044 140C287.308 140 277.914 137.039 270.861 131.117C263.809 125.195 260.283 115.828 260.283 103.015ZM356.703 132.409V27.4293C356.703 25.2759 357.725 23.6608 359.771 22.5841C361.817 21.5074 364.293 20.969 367.201 20.969C370.108 20.969 372.584 21.5074 374.63 22.5841C376.676 23.6608 377.699 25.2759 377.699 27.4293V120.619H417.106C419.044 120.619 420.579 121.534 421.709 123.365C422.84 125.195 423.405 127.349 423.405 129.825C423.405 132.301 422.84 134.455 421.709 136.285C420.579 138.116 419.044 139.031 417.106 139.031H365.908C363.432 139.031 361.279 138.439 359.448 137.254C357.618 136.07 356.703 134.455 356.703 132.409ZM434.872 132.409V31.467C434.872 27.9138 435.868 25.2759 437.86 23.5532C439.852 21.8304 442.355 20.969 445.37 20.969C449.354 20.969 452.423 21.6689 454.576 23.0686C456.729 24.4684 459.098 27.4832 461.682 32.1131L481.548 68.2907L501.413 32.1131C503.997 27.4832 506.393 24.4684 508.6 23.0686C510.808 21.6689 513.903 20.969 517.887 20.969C520.902 20.969 523.405 21.8304 525.397 23.5532C527.389 25.2759 528.385 27.9138 528.385 31.467V132.409C528.385 134.455 527.335 136.07 525.236 137.254C523.136 138.439 520.686 139.031 517.887 139.031C514.98 139.031 512.503 138.439 510.458 137.254C508.412 136.07 507.389 134.455 507.389 132.409V62.961L488.493 96.5545C486.985 99.354 484.616 100.754 481.386 100.754C478.264 100.754 475.949 99.354 474.441 96.5545L455.868 61.6689V132.409C455.868 134.455 454.818 136.07 452.719 137.254C450.619 138.439 448.17 139.031 445.37 139.031C442.463 139.031 439.987 138.439 437.941 137.254C435.895 136.07 434.872 134.455 434.872 132.409ZM539.529 130.31C539.529 130.094 539.637 129.556 539.852 128.694L571.023 27.1063C571.669 24.8452 573.257 23.0956 575.787 21.8573C578.318 20.6191 581.198 20 584.428 20C587.658 20 590.565 20.6191 593.149 21.8573C595.734 23.0956 597.349 24.8452 597.995 27.1063L629.166 128.694C629.381 129.556 629.489 130.094 629.489 130.31C629.489 132.678 628.035 134.724 625.128 136.447C622.221 138.17 619.26 139.031 616.245 139.031C612.261 139.031 609.892 137.631 609.139 134.832L603.001 113.351H566.016L559.879 134.832C559.125 137.631 556.756 139.031 552.773 139.031C549.65 139.031 546.662 138.197 543.809 136.528C540.956 134.859 539.529 132.786 539.529 130.31ZM570.377 96.8775H598.479L584.428 47.2948L570.377 96.8775Z" fill= "black" class= "bd-svg-black" />
<path fill-rule= "evenodd" clip-rule= "evenodd" d= "M0 110L10 40L50 0L100 50L70 80L110 120L50 160L0 110Z" fill= "#00D1B2" />
<a role= "button" class= "navbar-burger" aria-label= "menu" aria-expanded= "false" >
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
On desktop >= 1024px
, the navbar brand will only take up the space it needs.
Navbar burger
The navbar-burger
is a hamburger menu that only appears on touch devices . It has to appear as the last child of navbar-brand
. It has to contain four empty span
tags in order to visualize the hamburger lines or the cross (when active).
<a class= "navbar-burger" role= "button" aria-label= "menu" aria-expanded= "false" >
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
You can add the modifier class is-active
to turn it into a cross.
<a class= "navbar-burger is-active" role= "button" aria-label= "menu" aria-expanded= "false" >
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
The navbar-menu
is the counterpart of the navbar brand. As such, it must appear as a direct child of navbar
, as a sibling of navbar-brand
<nav class= "navbar" role= "navigation" aria-label= "main navigation" >
<div class= "navbar-brand" >
<!-- navbar items, navbar burger... -->
<div class= "navbar-menu" >
<!-- navbar start, navbar end -->
The navbar-menu
is hidden on touch devices < 1024px
. You need to add the modifier class is-active
to display it.
<div class= "navbar-menu" >
<!-- hidden on mobile -->
<div class= "navbar-menu is-active" >
<!-- shown on mobile -->
On desktop >= 1024px
, the navbar-menu
will fill up the space available in the navbar, leaving the navbar brand just the space it needs. It needs, however, two elements as direct children:
The Bulma package does not come with any JavaScript .
Here is however an implementation example, which toggles the class is-active
on both the navbar-burger
and the targeted navbar-menu
, in Vanilla Javascript.
<a role= "button" class= "navbar-burger" data-target= "navMenu" aria-label= "menu" aria-expanded= "false" >
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<span aria-hidden= "true" ></span>
<div class= "navbar-menu" id= "navMenu" >
<!-- navbar-start, navbar-end... -->
document . addEventListener ( ' DOMContentLoaded ' , () => {
// Get all "navbar-burger" elements
const $navbarBurgers = Array . prototype . slice . call ( document . querySelectorAll ( ' .navbar-burger ' ), 0 );
// Add a click event on each of them
$navbarBurgers . forEach ( el => {
el . addEventListener ( ' click ' , () => {
// Get the target from the "data-target" attribute
const target = el . dataset . target ;
const $target = document . getElementById ( target );
// Toggle the "is-active" class on both the "navbar-burger" and the "navbar-menu"
el . classList . toggle ( ' is-active ' );
$target . classList . toggle ( ' is-active ' );
And here is another implementation example, which again toggles the class is-active
on both the navbar-burger
and the targeted navbar-menu
, but this time in jQuery.
$ ( document ). ready ( function () {
// Check for click events on the navbar burger icon
$ ( " .navbar-burger " ). click ( function () {
// Toggle the "is-active" class on both the "navbar-burger" and the "navbar-menu"
$ ( " .navbar-burger " ). toggleClass ( " is-active " );
$ ( " .navbar-menu " ). toggleClass ( " is-active " );
Remember, these are just implementation examples. The Bulma package does not come with any JavaScript .
Navbar start and navbar end
The navbar-start
and navbar-end
are the two direct and only children of the navbar-menu
On desktop >= 1024px
will appear on the left
will appear on the right
Each of them can contain any number of navbar-item
<div class= "navbar-menu" >
<div class= "navbar-start" >
<!-- navbar items -->
<div class= "navbar-end" >
<!-- navbar items -->
Navbar item
A navbar-item
is a repeatable element that can be:
a navigation link
<a class= "navbar-item" >
a container for the brand logo
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<svg width= "640" height= "160" viewBox= "0 0 640 160" fill= "none" xmlns= "" >
<path fill-rule= "evenodd" clip-rule= "evenodd" d= "M170 132.571V27.5908C170 25.5451 170.915 23.93 172.746 22.7456C174.576 21.5612 176.729 20.969 179.206 20.969H210.377C232.019 20.969 242.84 30.4441 242.84 49.3943C242.84 62.5303 238.264 71.0902 229.112 75.074C234.603 77.2275 238.748 80.2692 241.548 84.1992C244.347 88.1292 245.747 93.8627 245.747 101.4V104.791C245.747 116.743 242.84 125.437 237.026 130.875C231.211 136.312 223.351 139.031 213.445 139.031H179.206C176.514 139.031 174.307 138.385 172.584 137.093C170.861 135.801 170 134.293 170 132.571ZM190.834 120.619H209.085C219.529 120.619 224.751 114.751 224.751 103.015V100.431C224.751 94.401 223.432 90.0404 220.794 87.3486C218.156 84.6568 214.253 83.3109 209.085 83.3109H190.834V120.619ZM190.834 66.8371H208.923C213.122 66.8371 216.326 65.5989 218.533 63.1225C220.74 60.646 221.844 57.2544 221.844 52.9475C221.844 48.7483 220.686 45.4374 218.371 43.0148C216.057 40.5922 212.853 39.3809 208.762 39.3809H190.834V66.8371ZM260.283 103.015V27.4293C260.283 25.2759 261.306 23.6608 263.351 22.5841C265.397 21.5074 267.873 20.969 270.781 20.969C273.688 20.969 276.164 21.5074 278.21 22.5841C280.256 23.6608 281.279 25.2759 281.279 27.4293V103.015C281.279 115.397 287.2 121.588 299.044 121.588C310.888 121.588 316.81 115.397 316.81 103.015V27.4293C316.81 25.2759 317.833 23.6608 319.879 22.5841C321.925 21.5074 324.401 20.969 327.308 20.969C330.215 20.969 332.692 21.5074 334.738 22.5841C336.783 23.6608 337.806 25.2759 337.806 27.4293V103.015C337.806 115.72 334.28 125.061 327.227 131.036C320.175 137.012 310.781 140 299.044 140C287.308 140 277.914 137.039 270.861 131.117C263.809 125.195 260.283 115.828 260.283 103.015ZM356.703 132.409V27.4293C356.703 25.2759 357.725 23.6608 359.771 22.5841C361.817 21.5074 364.293 20.969 367.201 20.969C370.108 20.969 372.584 21.5074 374.63 22.5841C376.676 23.6608 377.699 25.2759 377.699 27.4293V120.619H417.106C419.044 120.619 420.579 121.534 421.709 123.365C422.84 125.195 423.405 127.349 423.405 129.825C423.405 132.301 422.84 134.455 421.709 136.285C420.579 138.116 419.044 139.031 417.106 139.031H365.908C363.432 139.031 361.279 138.439 359.448 137.254C357.618 136.07 356.703 134.455 356.703 132.409ZM434.872 132.409V31.467C434.872 27.9138 435.868 25.2759 437.86 23.5532C439.852 21.8304 442.355 20.969 445.37 20.969C449.354 20.969 452.423 21.6689 454.576 23.0686C456.729 24.4684 459.098 27.4832 461.682 32.1131L481.548 68.2907L501.413 32.1131C503.997 27.4832 506.393 24.4684 508.6 23.0686C510.808 21.6689 513.903 20.969 517.887 20.969C520.902 20.969 523.405 21.8304 525.397 23.5532C527.389 25.2759 528.385 27.9138 528.385 31.467V132.409C528.385 134.455 527.335 136.07 525.236 137.254C523.136 138.439 520.686 139.031 517.887 139.031C514.98 139.031 512.503 138.439 510.458 137.254C508.412 136.07 507.389 134.455 507.389 132.409V62.961L488.493 96.5545C486.985 99.354 484.616 100.754 481.386 100.754C478.264 100.754 475.949 99.354 474.441 96.5545L455.868 61.6689V132.409C455.868 134.455 454.818 136.07 452.719 137.254C450.619 138.439 448.17 139.031 445.37 139.031C442.463 139.031 439.987 138.439 437.941 137.254C435.895 136.07 434.872 134.455 434.872 132.409ZM539.529 130.31C539.529 130.094 539.637 129.556 539.852 128.694L571.023 27.1063C571.669 24.8452 573.257 23.0956 575.787 21.8573C578.318 20.6191 581.198 20 584.428 20C587.658 20 590.565 20.6191 593.149 21.8573C595.734 23.0956 597.349 24.8452 597.995 27.1063L629.166 128.694C629.381 129.556 629.489 130.094 629.489 130.31C629.489 132.678 628.035 134.724 625.128 136.447C622.221 138.17 619.26 139.031 616.245 139.031C612.261 139.031 609.892 137.631 609.139 134.832L603.001 113.351H566.016L559.879 134.832C559.125 137.631 556.756 139.031 552.773 139.031C549.65 139.031 546.662 138.197 543.809 136.528C540.956 134.859 539.529 132.786 539.529 130.31ZM570.377 96.8775H598.479L584.428 47.2948L570.377 96.8775Z" fill= "black" class= "bd-svg-black" />
<path fill-rule= "evenodd" clip-rule= "evenodd" d= "M0 110L10 40L50 0L100 50L70 80L110 120L50 160L0 110Z" fill= "#00D1B2" />
the parent of a dropdown menu
<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown" >
<a class= "navbar-link" >
<div class= "navbar-dropdown" >
<!-- Other navbar items -->
a child of a navbar dropdown
<div class= "navbar-dropdown" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
a container for almost anything you want, like a field
<div class= "navbar-item" >
<div class= "field is-grouped" >
<p class= "control" >
<a class= "button" >
<span class= "icon" >
<i class= "fas fa-twitter" aria-hidden= "true" ></i>
<span> Tweet</span>
<p class= "control" >
<a class= "button is-primary" >
<span class= "icon" >
<i class= "fas fa-download" aria-hidden= "true" ></i>
<span> Download</span>
It can either be an anchor tag <a>
or a <div>
, as a direct child of either:
You can add the following modifier classes:
to turn it into a full-width element
to add a bottom border on hover and show the bottom border using is-active
Transparent navbar
To seamlessly integrate the navbar in any visual context, you can add the is-transparent
modifier on the navbar
component. This will remove any hover or active background from the navbar items.
<nav class= "navbar is-transparent" >
<div class= "navbar-brand" >
<a class= "navbar-item" href= "" >
<svg width= "640" height= "160" viewBox= "0 0 640 160" fill= "none" xmlns= "" >
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<div class= "navbar-burger js-burger" data-target= "navbarExampleTransparentExample" >
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Fixed navbar
You can now fix the navbar to either the top or bottom of the page. This is a 2-step process:
Add either is-fixed-top
or is-fixed-bottom
to the navbar
<nav class= "navbar is-fixed-top" >
Add the corresponding has-navbar-fixed-top
or has-navbar-fixed-bottom
modifier to either <html>
or <body>
element to provide the appropriate padding to the page
<html class= "has-navbar-fixed-top" >
Try it out!
To create a dropdown menu , you will need 4 elements:
with the has-dropdown
which contains the dropdown arrow
which can contain instances of navbar-item
and navbar-divider
<nav class= "navbar" role= "navigation" aria-label= "dropdown navigation" >
<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown" >
<a class= "navbar-link" >
<div class= "navbar-dropdown" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<hr class= "navbar-divider" >
<div class= "navbar-item" >
Version 1.0.0
Show/hide the dropdown with either CSS or JavaScript
The navbar-dropdown
is visible on touch devices < 1024px
but hidden on desktop >= 1024px
. How the dropdown is displayed on desktop depends on the parent's class.
The navbar-item
with the has-dropdown
modifier, has 2 additional modifiers
: the dropdown will show up when hovering the parent navbar-item
: the dropdown will show up all the time
While the CSS :hover
implementation works perfectly, the is-active
class is available for users who want to control the display of the dropdown with JavaScript .
<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown is-hoverable" >
<!-- navbar-link, navbar-dropdown etc. -->
<nav class= "navbar" role= "navigation" aria-label= "dropdown navigation" >
<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown is-hoverable" >
<a class= "navbar-link" >
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<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<hr class= "navbar-divider" >
<div class= "navbar-item" >
Version 1.0.0
<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown is-active" >
<!-- navbar-link, navbar-dropdown etc. -->
<nav class= "navbar" role= "navigation" aria-label= "dropdown navigation" >
<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown is-active" >
<a class= "navbar-link" >
<div class= "navbar-dropdown" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<hr class= "navbar-divider" >
<div class= "navbar-item" >
Version 1.0.0
Right dropdown
If your parent navbar-item
is on the right side, you can position the dropdown to start from the right with the is-right
<div class= "navbar-dropdown is-right" >
<!-- navbar-item, navbar-divider etc. -->
Everything you need to create a website with Bulma
<nav class= "navbar" role= "navigation" aria-label= "dropdown navigation" >
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<div class= "navbar-dropdown" >
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<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<hr class= "navbar-divider" >
<div class= "navbar-item" >
Version 1.0.0
<div class= "navbar-end" >
<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown is-active" >
<a class= "navbar-link" >
<div class= "navbar-dropdown is-right" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<hr class= "navbar-divider" >
<div class= "navbar-item" >
Version 1.0.0
<section class= "hero is-primary" >
<div class= "hero-body" >
<p class= "title" >
<p class= "subtitle" >
Everything you need to <strong> create a website</strong> with Bulma
If you're using a navbar at the bottom, like the fixed bottom navbar , you might want to use a dropup menu . Simply add the has-dropdown
and has-dropdown-up
modifiers to the parent navbar-item
<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown has-dropdown-up is-hoverable" >
<a class= "navbar-link" href= "" >
<div class= "navbar-dropdown" >
<a class= "navbar-item" href= "" >
Everything you need to create a website with Bulma
<section class= "hero is-primary" >
<div class= "hero-body" >
<p class= "title" >
<p class= "subtitle" >
Everything you need to <strong> create a website</strong> with Bulma
<nav class= "navbar" role= "navigation" aria-label= "dropdown navigation" >
<div class= "navbar-menu" >
<div class= "navbar-start" >
<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown has-dropdown-up is-active" >
<a class= "navbar-link" >
<div class= "navbar-dropdown" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<hr class= "navbar-divider" >
<div class= "navbar-item" >
Version 1.0.0
Dropdown without arrow
You can remove the arrow in the items of the navbar by adding the is-arrowless
modifier to them.
<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown is-hoverable" >
<a class= "navbar-link is-arrowless" >
<!-- navbar-dropdowns -->
<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown is-hoverable" >
<a class= "navbar-link is-arrowless" >
Link without arrow
<div class= "navbar-dropdown" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
<hr class= "navbar-divider" >
<div class= "navbar-item" >
Version 1.0.0
Styles for the dropdown menu
By default, the navbar-dropdown
a grey border-top
a border-radius
at both bottom corners
Everything you need to create a website with Bulma
<nav class= "navbar" role= "navigation" aria-label= "dropdown navigation" >
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<svg width= "640" height= "160" viewBox= "0 0 640 160" fill= "none" xmlns= "" >
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<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown is-active" >
<a class= "navbar-link" >
<div class= "navbar-dropdown" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
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Version 1.0.0
<section class= "hero is-primary" >
<div class= "hero-body" >
<p class= "title" >
<p class= "subtitle" >
Everything you need to <strong> create a website</strong> with Bulma
When having a transparent navbar , it is preferable to use the boxed version of the dropdown, by using the is-boxed
the grey border is removed
a slight inner shadow is added
all corners are rounded
the hover/active state is animated
Everything you need to create a website with Bulma
<nav class= "navbar is-transparent" role= "navigation" aria-label= "dropdown navigation" >
<a class= "navbar-item" >
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Version 1.0.0
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Everything you need to <strong> create a website</strong> with Bulma
Active dropdown navbar item
Everything you need to create a website with Bulma
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<div class= "navbar-item has-dropdown is-active" >
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Version 1.0.0
<section class= "hero is-primary" >
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<p class= "title" >
<p class= "subtitle" >
Everything you need to <strong> create a website</strong> with Bulma
Dropdown divider
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to display a horizontal rule in a navbar-dropdown
<hr class= "navbar-divider" >
You can change the background color of the navbar
by using one of the 9 color modifiers:
<nav class= "navbar is-primary" >
<!-- navbar brand, navbar menu... -->
Navbar Helper Classes
Sets Top and Bottom paddings with 1rem ,
Left and Right paddings with 2rem
Adds a small amount of box-shadow around the navbar
Sass and CSS variables
Sass Variable
CSS Variable
$ navbar-background-color
var ( --bulma- )
var ( --bulma-scheme-main )
$ navbar-box-shadow-size
var ( --bulma- )
0 0 . 125 em 0 0
$ navbar-box-shadow-color
var ( --bulma- )
var ( --bulma-background )
$ navbar-height
var ( --bulma-navbar-height )
3 . 25 rem
$ navbar-padding-vertical
var ( --bulma- )
1 rem
$ navbar-padding-horizontal
var ( --bulma- )
2 rem
$ navbar-z
var ( --bulma- )
$ navbar-fixed-z
var ( --bulma- )
$ navbar-item-img-max-height
var ( --bulma- )
1 . 75 rem
$ navbar-burger-color
var ( --bulma- )
var ( --bulma-navbar-item-color )
$ navbar-tab-hover-background-color
var ( --bulma- )
$ navbar-tab-hover-border-bottom-color
var ( --bulma- )
var ( --bulma-link )
$ navbar-tab-active-color
var ( --bulma- )
var ( --bulma-link )
$ navbar-tab-active-background-color
var ( --bulma- )
$ navbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color
var ( --bulma- )
var ( --bulma-link )
$ navbar-tab-active-border-bottom-style
var ( --bulma- )
$ navbar-tab-active-border-bottom-width
var ( --bulma- )
0 . 1875 em
$ navbar-dropdown-background-color
var ( --bulma- )
var ( --bulma-scheme-main )
$ navbar-dropdown-border-l
var ( --bulma- )
var ( --bulma-border-l )
$ navbar-dropdown-border-color
var ( --bulma- )
hsl (
var ( --bulma-navbar-h ),
var ( --bulma-navbar-s ),
var ( --bulma-navbar-dropdown-border-l )
$ navbar-dropdown-border-style
var ( --bulma- )
$ navbar-dropdown-border-width
var ( --bulma- )
0 . 125 em
$ navbar-dropdown-offset
var ( --bulma- )
-0 . 25 em
$ navbar-dropdown-arrow
var ( --bulma- )
var ( --bulma-link )
$ navbar-dropdown-radius
var ( --bulma- )
var ( --bulma-radius-large )
$ navbar-dropdown-z
var ( --bulma- )
$ navbar-dropdown-boxed-radius
var ( --bulma- )
var ( --bulma-radius-large )
$ navbar-dropdown-boxed-shadow
var ( --bulma- )
0 0 . 5 em 0 . 5 em
hsla (
var ( --bulma-scheme-h ),
var ( --bulma-scheme-s ),
var ( --bulma-scheme-invert-l ),
0 . 1
0 0 0 1 px
hsla (
var ( --bulma-scheme-h ),
var ( --bulma-scheme-s ),
var ( --bulma-scheme-invert-l ),
0 . 1
$ navbar-divider-background-l
var ( --bulma- )
var ( --bulma-background-l )
$ navbar-divider-height
var ( --bulma- )
0 . 125 em
$ navbar-bottom-box-shadow-size
var ( --bulma- )
0 -0 . 125 em 0 0
$ navbar-breakpoint
var ( --bulma- )
iv . $ desktop